
Saturday, July 31, 2004

three stations of the swing 

Danny boy emailed this:

My 8-year-old daughter started a junior golf clinic
recently and she tells me that her instructors emphasize
what she calls "the three stations of the swing" --
address, top of the backswing and finish. Her swing looks
pretty good, but I have never heard of this approach. Can
you tell me more about it?

A: Most good golfers know where the club head is at all
times during their swings. This so-called "club head
awareness" is an ability that gives you great rewards in
terms of consistency. When the club head is stopped it's
easy to be aware of where it is. The three stations your
daughter describes are the three times the club head is
stopped during the swing (albeit for a very short time
at the top of the backswing as it changes from motion
in one direction to motion in the opposite direction).
This three-station approach is good for adults as well
as children because these "stopped positions" are the
easiest to observe, adjust and refine. Also, children
are great mimics. If the instructors demonstrate these
three stations correctly (and apparently they have
because your daughter's swing looks "pretty good"), the
children will find it is easy to swing to and from each

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