
Saturday, July 31, 2004

7-handicap get better 

Got this in a an email:

Q: I'm a 7-handicap but can't seem to get better. I have a
strong grip, and I have even seen on video that I regrip
as I start back (I'm not conscious of it) and make the grip
even stronger. I hook everything -- even with an 8-iron to
the green I have to start the ball over the right side
bunker. I've tried to neutralize my grip, but can't seem to
do it. My pro keeps a 7-iron with a molded training grip on
it, and I can hit the ball dead straight with it. However,
when I switch back to my own club I can't keep my hands in
the right place. My father says I need a psychiatrist. Do
you have any suggestions?

A: In this case, "father knows worst." You don't need a
shrink, just a little information. First, be aware of why
the molded training handle works. Assuming you are a right-
handed player, the grip guide places the first joint of
your right index finger on the right side of the shaft.
Pressure from this joint keeps the club face square to the
intended line of flight. A strong grip places that joint
under the shaft, causing the club face to rotate excessively
and producing a hook. So check to make sure the first joint
of your right index finger is placed properly when using
your own club. Players often believe that they are placing
their hands in the same way as they did on the training
handle but miss the correct index finger placement. As far
as the regripping is concerned, you're probably uncovering
your left thumb as you start back. To keep it covered,
apply pressure with the heel pad of your right thumb
against the big joint of your left thumb. I give many of my
students a molded training handle (the handle alone) and
tell them to get used to the feel. I find that using it
while watching TV works well. The more you use it, the more
comfortable the proper grip will feel on a regulation

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