Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Tiger Army basic training
Q: How did Tiger handle his four days of Army basic training at Ft. Bragg?
A: He did great. Tiger learned the secret of making it through basic training: develop a rapport with your wine sergeant.
Q: Tiger Woods finished 11 strokes behind Phil Mickelson at the Masters then said, “I felt like I was hitting the ball well enough to win.” Is Tiger delusional?
A: Tiger was hitting the ball well enough to win. But he was hitting it too often.
- naked golf tips thanks msn sports answer man
A: He did great. Tiger learned the secret of making it through basic training: develop a rapport with your wine sergeant.
Q: Tiger Woods finished 11 strokes behind Phil Mickelson at the Masters then said, “I felt like I was hitting the ball well enough to win.” Is Tiger delusional?
A: Tiger was hitting the ball well enough to win. But he was hitting it too often.
- naked golf tips thanks msn sports answer man