
Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Golf Data 

golf tips

-- 54: Number of top-10 finishes Vijay Singh has -- more
than anyone else on the PGA Tour over the last four years.
Tiger has 52 and Phil Mickelson has 46. Singh now has 12
consecutive top-10 finishes.

-- 56: Number of top-10 finishes Jim Thorpe has -- more than
anyone else on the Champions Tour over the last four years.

-- 1,138-to-1: Odds of scoring eight shots under your handi-
cap on any given day, if you have an honest handicap. If you
were to play twice a week this represents more than 11 years
of golf.

-- 48.5: Percentage of handicaps that went up last year among
the 1.1 million handicaps the USGA tracked. Tell that to the
people who want to limit technology.

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